Monday, January 28, 2008

Missing Pod/Webcasts

For those of you who have grown accustomed to finding our worship service recordings here, I apologize for having fallen behind in getting them posted. Rest assured that they are being recorded and will eventually be available. Unfortunately, I have been away from the church for a variety of reasons for a few weeks which is why I am behind!

Upon my return to the building later this week I will pick up electronic copies of the services, get them edited quickly and get them posted.

Again, my apologies.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sunday Worship 12/30/07

0:00:00 - OBT Band "Fill The World With Music"
0:01:57 - Welcome (G. Weller)
0:02:50 - Call To Worship (E. Polsley)
0:06:44 - Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 (K & G Hurula)
0:08:59 - OBT Band "We Are An Offering"
0:12:19 - Prayer (S. Rivero)
0:12:55 - OBT Songsters "Alleluia, Merry Christmas"
0:15:25 - Sermon (D. Gorton)